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nano-tube arrays photoelectrode and its enhanced visible light photocatalytic performance for degradation of 4-chlorphenol 7�ultrasound assisted fabrication of agbr/tio2 nano-tube arrays photoelectrode and its enhanced visible photocatalytic performance and mechanism for detoxification of 4-chlorphenol 7|construction of bi2o3/g-c3n4 composite photocatalyst and its enhanced visible light photocatalytic performance and mechanism 7 11.698�n:s � 7 5.116�n:s � 7|bivo4 quantum tubes loaded on reduced graphene oxide aerogel as efficient photocatalyst for gaseous formaldehyde degradation 7 7.082 �n:s �  7 4.900 (�n:s)  7 1.207 (�v:s)  7 2.741 ( n:s)  7�temporal changes of metal bioavailability and extracellular enzyme activities in relation to afforestation of highly contaminated calcareous soil 79effects of cd on uptake of p in potato grown in sierozems 7�the effect of municipal sludge compost on the mobility and bioavailability of cd in a sierozem-wheat system in an arid region northwest of 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hinterland of the badain jaran desert, northwest china 7�total organic carbon and its environmental significance for the surface sediments in groundwater recharged lakes from the badain jaran desert, northwest china 7 2.111 ( n:s)  7 2.852 (�n:s)  7 3.349 (�n:s)  7 1.451 (�v:s)  7 (cssci b{|)  7 (ssci vq�[:s)  7[r�s�e 7hg8l%f 7 _p[�� 7 _�[�^ 7 _�^�q 7"�f?e 7ws�_�n 7ѐf�[ 7ngss�n 7# applied catalysis b: environmental 7electrochimica acta 7&separation and purification technology 7 science of the total environment 7soil & sediment contamination 7*environmental science & pollution research 7sustainability 7,journal of geophysical research: atmospheres 7journal of molecular liquids 7industrial crops and products 7&separation and purification technology 7journal of natural fibers 7journal of sedimentary research 7 geomorphology 7%earth surface processes and landforms 7journal of limnology 7,environmental science and pollution research 7 3.927(�n:s � 7 3.927��n:s � 7pparticulate.and gaseous 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